Measuring Equipment
Rohde " Schwarz offers electronic monitors worldwide. Our products dictate standards for research, development, production and service. We are a key partner of producers, network operators and public organizations, proposing a wide range of advanced solutions using the most advanced technologies, including LTE equipment, and microwave equipment in frequency to 500 GHz. We're not just a factory. measuring instrumentsWe are a huge network of enterprises equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for the production of high-technology measuring equipment and instruments.
New applications for automobile and aerospace industries, as well as for material and video technology, have resulted in higher frequency use in electronics. Rohde " Schwarz meets growing requirements by offering up-to-date devices to generate and analyse signals, to evaluate communication networks and to measure power. Our measuring equipment combines high quality, reliability and extensive functionality.
Rohde " Schwarz is not only the production and sale of measuring equipment, but also a reliable guarantee and quality service for the entire life of the instrument line.