
Ekaterinburg Transformers

Transformator is a static electromagnetic device designed to transform electricity and transmit it from one chain to another using magnetic-linked circuits.
The transformers may be divided into power, co-consistent, measuring.

Power transformers feed electronic circuits with a given voltage and at the same time galvanically connect the primary and secondary circuits. The power transducer line is presented by different power models (from 0, 7 to 500 W) with a wide range of output voltage. The price of the transformer depends mainly on its capacity, the number of movables, performance.
The main manufacturers of power transformers are: Transvit (telephone vitae transformers), Torelle (temperature transformers), Complex and Electricon Complex (Directors for printing, including leakproof performance).

Agree transformers are used to harmonize the resistance of various electronic cascades, ensuring minimum losses and signal distortions. The use of the transformer significantly improves the noise characteristics of the device. Presentation Consistent transformers both in SMD and for print and surface installation. Main producers: BournsEpcos

Measuring transformers (or current transducers) are used to control the values of engine currents, salenoids, overload control, circuit breaks, while ensuring that measuring devices are insulated from the high voltage chain than measurement safety is achieved. We offer measuring transformers of Talema production with a wide range of 5 to 200 A to be measured.

You can see and buy the goods at our shops in cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Voronez, Catherineburg, Kazan, Kaluga, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Ryazan, Samara, Simferopol, Tver, Tula, Ufa, Chelabinsk. Delivery of mail order or through the " Euros " salon to the following cities: Rostov-na-Donu, Krasnoyarsk, Saratov, Ijevsk, Ulianovsk, Tumen, Irkutsk, Jaroslavl, Habarovsk, Vladivostok et al.