Transformer's Heart
Section area Transformator cardiac - A very important parameter. The magnetic flux created in the heart of the transformer, other than the number of turns of the primary wet and its current, is influenced and the size of the heart. If the transformer has a small cardiac size, it is not possible to create a large magnetic flux in such a cardiac and it will not be possible to obtain a greater power at the outlet of such a transformer. This is because the cardiovascular material has the ability to saturate. Pressure absorption of the transformer The fact is that, despite the increase in the current in the rim, the magnetic flux in the heart, reaching a certain maximum value, is still virtually unchanged.
Let's say there's a fermental cart with a ferret, which has a constant flow. With an increase in the volume, the magnetic flow will also increase. With small currents, the increase in flow will be proportional to the increase in current. Then the flow will grow slower and, finally, with a certain amount of current, it will not increase at all. Here we go. saturation of steel (mortality)
In the transformer, the saturation regime results in a partial phase-out of the transfer of energy from primary to secondary refrigeration. Normal work of the transformer is possible only when the magnetic flow in his heart changes proportionally to the current in the primary rim. To meet this condition, it is necessary that the heart cannot be saturated, and this is possible only when its volume and the section are not less than a certain amount. Consequently, the greater the power of the transformer, the greater his heart must be.
In practice, it is often necessary to calculate the heart of a given transformer power:
Sserd = 1.2GP, cm2