Ts-1-9 Transformer
In many years, sound-energy technology has accumulated a large number of technical solutions that yield excellent results, but despite many designers (not only radios but also large firms) are returning again and again to the source, as simple as possible in terms of schematics, but at the same time as the most effective solutions to ensure quality soundness. One of these designs is the construction of UML on vacuum lights.
UML - Power mounter
But here we must pay tribute - despite the seeming simplicity of electrical circuits, it is not for everyone to get a sound. But if an experienced radio amateur fails to bring just another coin into his experience, then for a starting point, this problem, being inseparable by his own strength, can for long absolve his desire to build. Anyway, it's from psychology... :
The introduction of start-up designers is very simple for repetition, and most importantly, it is not a causal and sufficiently high-quality UML that uses common lights and parts that have been widely used in their time in televisions and radios.
The booster was designed as final (i.e., non-contractors, no other nodes, such as switches, adjusting agents, etc.) and was originally intended to reinforce the signal from the computer ' s sound pay, but very good (subjective) characteristics allow it to be used to increase the signal from other,
The schematic schematic of one power supply is shown in Figure 1.
A two-cascal force. The first cascade is built on one half of a double triod of 6H3P (VL1) and is a classic tensile cascade. The second half of the lamp is used in the second channel of the forcer.